Worthiness Based Psychotherapy – 1

Coming soon

Online course: Worthiness Based Psychotherapy – 1

Different approaches to psychotherapy have different explanations as to the causes of peoples suffering. Past injuries, traumas and deficits play a major role in most explanations. WBP is based on different assumptions. WBP puts a great emphasis on relational ethics and suggests that people’s suffering is caused more by what people are doing to each other than on what was done to them.

WBP suggests that when people act in unethical ways to each other, when they manipulate, lie, use, abuse, cheat, intimidate or are violent to each other, both parties suffer.

Confronting people with the unethical ways in which they treat each other and/or allow others to treat themselves is a major part of WBP.

WBP doesn’t beat around the bush. It demands client take responsibility for their predicament, grow up, become adults and learn how to develop real dialogue between themselves.

Worthiness Based therapist use unorthodox tools in their therapy. They are not timid of using judgment, confrontation, guilt and intimidation, coupled with deep care, understanding and trust in people’s abilities to grow up and change.

In this online course you will learn:

  1. Basic principles of WBP
  2. How do children and adults earn worthiness
  3. What sabotages people from being and feeling worthy
  4. How do parents manipulate their children’s trust
  5. How do spouses manipulate each other’s self-worth
  6. How to use judgment and criticism in ways that will push patients beyond their limits
  7. How to distinguish between judgment that comes from the therapist own feelings and background and one that comes from a solid moral backbone
  8. Powerful therapeutic questions and techniques that change our patients lives
  9. How to do therapy that is both short and effective, and at the same time deep, meaningful and long lasting.   

You will get 10 hours of probably one of the most influential courses in psychotherapy that exits. Divided into 30 lessons that you will be able to watch any time in the future.

You will also get access to the PP materials and to articles and papers by different writers.

Price: 220 $

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